Can’t Let Go of Summer Salad

New York City’s late summer weather is Colorado’s weather all summer long. Rarely above 80, low humidity, cooler at night, great hair weather and the blessed absence of summer city stink. Although I can smell fall in the air and have planned our apple picking day trip, I’m not yet ready to start making chili, soup or short ribs. I’m still craving light, refreshing, raw salads. I made this salad Sunday night for a casual get together with friends and I’ve been making some version of this simple salad for decades. I mean really simple. So simple, I’m almost embarrassed to call it a ‘recipe’. 

Serves 4 (but can be easily doubled or tripled)

3 ears of fresh corn
1/2 pint of cherry/grape tomatoes
3 scallions
chopped cilantro or basil to taste
1/2 serrano (or more if you like spice) finely chopped
Extra Virgen Olive Oil
Salt and fresh ground pepper

Taste the corn raw (after you shuck it, duh). If it’s tender and sweet then there’s no need to cook it. If it’s tough then cook the corn in a pot of salted boiling water. Take the corn out when the water comes back up to a boil (about 3 minutes). With a pair of tongs (not to be confused with a thong) remove the corn from the pot, place in a colander and run cool water to halt the cooking process.

Once the corn is cool enough to handle cut the kernels off the corn using a small serrated knife . Halve or quarter the tomatoes, chop the scallions, and place in a serving bowl along with the rest of the ingredients. Drizzle with olive oil and season to taste with salt and pepper, mix well and serve. This salad is a great side dish to grilled fish or chicken and holds up well to pork.

Summer Corn Salad

Summer Corn Salad

If you’re in the mood, add crumbled feta cheese but then omit the salt. Feta is salty enough.

So easy. So flavorful. Cooking does not have to be complicated.
Enjoy and always let your taste buds soar.



2 thoughts on “Can’t Let Go of Summer Salad

  1. This is a very tasty recipe as I have eaten it before and you are right, if the corn is sweet enough (Olethe for one) no need to cook. But I have found cooking the shucked corn for 2 min/ear in the micro wrapped in parchment or the sealing saran wrap, a quick alternative to boiling the ears. Do not use regular saran since the plastic melts and sticks to the corn.

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